Editor, Ophthalmology Times
Ocular surface disease and lifestyle choices that affect eye health
April 12th 2023Esen Akpek, MD, sat down with David Hutton, Managing Editor, Ophthalmology Times®, to discuss ocular surface disease and the lifestyle choices that could affect eye health. As well as what The Tear Film & Ocular Surface Society is doing to promote research on the topic.
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COPHy 2023: Debating the value of home monitoring as a management option for AMD
March 25th 2023The various aspects of home monitoring for patients with age-related macular degeneration are discussed in this point/counterpoint by Prof. Rufino Silva, University of Coimbra / Coimbra Hospital and University Centre, Portugal, and Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Robert P. Finger, PhD, Department of Ophthalmology, University of Bonn, Germany, during the 14th annual Congress on Controversies in Ophthalmology in Lisbon, Portugal
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COPHy 2023: Weighing the merits of offering teprotumumab for all patients with thyroid eye disease
March 25th 2023Pedro Fonseca, MD, Coimbra Hospital and University Centre, Portugal, and Andrew G. Lee, MD, Blanton Eye Institute, Houston Methodist, Texas, USA, discuss the various pros and cons of offering teprotumumab for all patients with thyroid eye disease.
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ARVO announces recipients of 2023 Pfizer Ophthalmics Carl Camras Translational Research Award
January 26th 2023The intent of the award is to recognize early-career researchers who have exhibited excellence in research, as well as their fundamental scientific discoveries, concepts and novel technologies which have led to, or have the promise of leading to, clinical application.
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