
Joshua Ong


Investigators research ocular health after space flight

Spaceflight-associated neuro-ocular syndrome a potential challenge during long missions.

Mary Elizabeth Hartnett, MD, FACS, FARVO


Exploring four decades of change in retina

Advances in treatment and surgical techniques have transformed patient care.

Sydney Crago


AAO 2024: Reduction in IOP after switching to latanoprostene bunod in glaucoma patients in real-world clinical practice

Constance O. Okeke, MD, shared insights from on her presentation entitled, "Reduction in IOP after switching to latanoprostene bunod in glaucoma patients in real-world clinical practice," which was given at the American Academy of Ophthalmology held in Chicago, Illinois.

Jamie Odden, MD, MPH


Intravitreal injections and endophthalmitis: Does lidocaine gel change the risk of the infection?

This research was a finalist in the 2020 Ophthalmology Times® Research Scholar Honoree Program.

Mona Kaleem ,MD


AGS 2025: A look at Gemini and the MIGS revolution with Mona Kaleem, MD

A combination of canaloplasty and goniotomy provides sustained IOP reduction and decreases medication burden with a strong safety profile, making it a valuable option for glaucoma management.

David A. Goldman, MD


Ultra-widefield imaging can enhance efficiency for practices

Physicians can discover, diagnose, document, treat diseases that might go undetected

David Peterson


Digital patient engagement tackles the labor crisis, improves the patient experience

For health care workers, the pandemic has led to increased burnout, concerns about workplace safety, and staffing shortages that threaten not only patient care but also the entire provider ecosystem.

Connor Iapoce


Evaluating the efficacy of water-free cyclosporine in dry eye disease

Cyclosporine superior to vehicle, improves corneal staining in dry eye disease

Constance Okeke, MD


AGS 2025: Constance Okeke, MD, highlights 1-year Streamline canaloplasty outcomes

The research analyzed the 1-year outcomes of 132 eyes, evaluating mean IOP, baseline changes, medication reduction, and stratifying the results by race (African American vs Caucasian) and glaucoma severity (mild, moderate, severe).

Eric D. Rosenberg, DO, MScEng


Welcome to the metaverse: Technology allows ophthalmologists to mingle with colleagues worldwide

Answers to common questions that can help kick-start the journey into the metaverse to learn from the many virtual educational meetings and conference opportunities while mingling with colleagues worldwide.

Nikolas London, MD, FACS


A case of DME with persistent subretinal fluid

Dr. London discusses a case of diabetic macular edema (DME) with persistent subretinal fluid, emphasizing the diagnostic considerations, treatment options, and the implications for patient outcomes in the context of evolving therapeutic approaches.

Richard Teofilo Atallah


New molecule for allergic conjunctivitis makes debut

First new therapy in nearly a decade offers another option for physicians, patients

Kathryn A. Colby, MD, PhD


National Women Physicians Day: Kathryn A. Colby, MD, PhD’s reflections on advancing women in ophthalmology

Colby highlights the strides made and challenges that remain for women in ophthalmology, emphasizing the importance of mentorship, individualized professional growth, and resilience in a competitive field, drawing from her experience as Chair of the Department of Ophthalmology at NYU Grossman School of Medicine.

Stephen McLeod, MD


Staying the course in shifting winds

CEO Stephen McLeod, MD, outlines the American Academy of Ophthalmology's commitment to advocating for evidence-based, sustainable, and equitable reforms that prioritize public health and access to quality care.

Anna N. Stulova, MD


Early visual functions deficiency and OCT-A changes at the preclinical stage of diabetic retinopathy

Future investigations will assess findings, evaluate their prognostic value.

J. Colton Hill, MPH


Retrospective cohort study looks at adverse intraoperative and postoperative events following cataract surgery for patients with prior intravitreal injections and incisional retinal procedures

The project, presented by Colton Hill, MPH, on behalf of the Dean McGee Eye Institute, looks at complication rates during cataract surgery or after cataract surgery for patients with prior intravitreal injections or incisional retinal procedures.

Sharon Richens, MD, FACS


Deciding Between Multifocals and Light Adjustable Lenses

An expert weighs in on considerations involved in the choice between multifocal and light adjustable lenses.

Leela V. Raju, MD


Faster epithelial healing for patients with corneal abrasion and PRK

Shifting the treatment paradigm can lead to less pain and inflammation.

Zeba A. Syed, MD


A guide to treating severe ocular graft-vs-host disease

The key to successful management of oGVHD is early diagnosis

Clara C. Chan, MD, FRCSC, FACS


Innovations in the treatment of corneal dystrophies

Physician outlines the latest emerging technologies to treat the condition.

Rabia Gurses Ozden, MD


Leading by example

Physician has blazed career path in ophthalmology, breaking glass ceiling.

Jay Pepose, MD, PhD


Small-aperture single-piece IOL could fill unmet need in patients

Optics block out-of-focus and stray light, allow continuum of vision.

Milton M. Hom, OD, FAAO


Eye Care Products in the Pipeline for Dry Eye Disease

Unique clinical trials and novel products of interest currently under investigation for the treatment of dry eye disease.

Maggie L. Shaw


Getting ophthalmic biosimilars to market continues to prove difficult

Representatives from Magellan Rx Management provided a detailed overview of current treatment options in ophthalmology and the impact that biosimilars could have.

Jorge Calzada, MD


Augmented reality offers enhanced visualization and improved ergonomics

Physicians can use navigational tools to attain a much more immersive perspective.

Sunil Srivastava, MD


Steroid Implants for Chronic Postoperative Uveitis

Sunil Srivastava, MD, shares his experience using dexamethasone and fluocinolone acetonide implants to manage chronic non-infectious uveitis.

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