Seven easy steps in evaluation of fourth-nerve palsy in adults
November 1st 2004A fourth-nerve palsy is a common cause of acquired vertical diplopia in the adult. These patients typically complain of vertical diplopia and tilting (torsion) of objects. The history and exam should focus on any other neurologic signs or symptoms, recent head trauma, vasculopathic risk factors, and prior symptoms suggestive of a congenital or long-standing palsy.
Private practice safely integrates CK
November 1st 2004San Diego-An evaluation of the first group of patients to undergo conductive keratoplasty (CK) performed by Ronald Friedman, MD, indicates that the procedure can be safely used to treat hyperopia and presbyopia and is easily introduced into an average-volume practice with a refractive and cataract base.
New ketorolac solution optimized for safety and patient comfort
November 1st 2004From a patient's perspective, using a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) before and after cataract or refractive surgery can help to ease pain, swelling, and irritation, and accelerate the return of visual acuity. From a surgeon's perspective, using an NSAID reduces surgical complications and makes surgery easier: it keeps the pupils larger, allowing for quicker and less traumatic procedures. It also prevents cystoid macular edema (CME) and reduces the incidence of striae because it suppresses pain and, therefore, the patient's tendency to squeeze/rub the eyes post-surgery. This article will examine the different classes of NSAIDs, compare their analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity, and determine the potency of different NSAIDs.
Cold ultrasound technology more efficient than laser phaco
November 1st 2004San Diego-Cold ultrasound technology [WhiteStar, Advanced Medical Optics Inc. (AMO)] allows the efficient removal of all densities of cataracts and is as safe as a pulsed laser microincision phacoemulsification system. A major advantage of the cold ultrasound system is that it dramatically reduces the phacoemulsification time compared with laser phacoemulsification.