Corneal wound burn is a critical, yet often overlooked, complication in cataract surgery. Recognizing early signs is crucial.
Staying current on phaco technology can help surgeons provide better outcomes.
Panelists discuss how novel intravitreal agents faricimab and high-dose aflibercept 8mg offer potential advantages in treating retinal diseases through their extended durability and dual mechanism of action.
The implantable lenses can offer an advantage over laser surgery.
Patients considered vitamin D deficient had a risk of noninfectious uveitis more than twice that of their counterparts without vitamin D deficiency.
Urcosimod (formerly known as OK-101) has been shown to be stable for over 2 and a half years in single-use ampoules used for administration of the drug to patients.
Real-world scenarios showcase a shift in treatment paradigms
There’s no shortage of diet programs—Paleo, Mediterranean, intermittent fasting—all claiming to be the best option for a healthy life. Research has shown that poor lifestyle choices, including unhealthy diets, contribute to many diseases and that simply adhering to good nutrition can even prevent some health issues.
Spaceflight-associated neuro-ocular syndrome a potential challenge during long missions.
It is important that patients know cataract surgery is a routine, safe procedure that will improve their quality of life.
Experts discuss the use of steroids, particularly in the context of diabetic macular edema (DME). The inflammatory nature of DME reveals the effectiveness of steroids, especially in cases where persistent fluid remains despite anti-VEGF treatment.
Ophthalmic data are well suited to the demands of regulatory-grade use cases.
Vision correction has evolved into a continuum of procedures suited for different stages of ocular maturity
Papilledema with back pain suggests spine lesion.
Solutions should address staffing shortages and burnout.
The FEMCAT study found that FLACS is not superior to conventional approach
Advancements in drug durability and patient care are closing treatment gaps.
Results concluded that K did better than TK in a variety of situations.
Tips to help eye care providers navigate the maze of insurance issues.
Mile Brujic, OD, FAAO, discusses the use of specialty lenses vs glasses in some patients, as well as approaches to managing the symptoms of dry eye disease.
Despite current flexibility, future enforcement could prove to be troublesome
Office transitions to a portable vision diagnostic and patient engagement system.
Clinician-scientists play a vital role in advancing ophthalmology by balancing patient care with research, leveraging clinical insights to drive impactful discoveries, and collaborating across disciplines to stay at the forefront of innovation.
Bi-sign design compensates for aberrations resulting from misalignment.
Noncontact esthesiometry screens for all levels of neurotrophic keratitis.
Growing patient pool is driving clinical trial investment.
Research explores innovative physiotherapeutic approaches to managing myopia progression, showing promising results in slowing its advancement over two years.
Adrienne Graves, PhD, and Andrew Iwach, MD, co-founders of Glaucoma 360, highlight the 13th annual Glaucoma 360 New Horizons Forum, held this year at the Westin St. Francis San Francisco on Union Square.
Physicians should consider the roles of verbal and ocular anesthesia.