Priorities can ensure optimal outcomes for patients diagnosed with diseases.
Daniel F Kiernan, MD, FACS, discusses the use of anti-inflammatory treatment when experiencing sub-optimal response with anti-VEGF therapy in DME.
With cases of syphilitic uveitis on the rise, recognizing its varied presentations—including optic disc edema, which may appear without other significant eye inflammation—is increasingly important for timely diagnosis and treatment.
Answers to common questions that can help kick-start the journey into the metaverse to learn from the many virtual educational meetings and conference opportunities while mingling with colleagues worldwide.
The method by which sedation is applied to keep patients relaxed and comfortable throughout cataract surgery can be tailored similar to that of anesthesia — surgical anesthesia is not a one size fits all endeavor.
Ooms' poster at the Association of University Professors of Ophthalmology annual meeting highlighted a study on gray area complications in strabismus surgery, showing that trainees are more likely than attendings to disclose these complications despite having similar baseline anxiety levels. Ooms is a PGY-4 ophthalmology resident at the Dean McGee Eye Institute.
New acrylic implant provides option for patients with endothelial dysfunction.
Presbyopia-correcting drops represent a whole new product category—one with a lot of upsides for clinicians who want to help their patients see well at all distances.
Studies on nurse-led services find a low level of complications among patients.
Short learning curve, significant clinical advantages make this a comfortable addition.
Early diagnosis of NMOSD is key to preventing disability, improving survival.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, it is important to develop technologies to keep patients and staff safe, while treating the diseases of the eye
Considerations in the treatment of diabetic retinopathy and diabetic macular edema.
Answers to common questions that can help kick-start the journey into the metaverse to learn from the many virtual educational meetings and conference opportunities while mingling with colleagues worldwide.
The 14th annual Glaucoma 360 conference, co-founded by Adrienne Graves, PhD, and Andrew Iwach, MD, and hosted by Glaucoma Research Foundation, will be held from February 6-8, 2025, at the Westin St. Francis in San Francisco, California. The event will focus on the latest advancements in glaucoma care and encourage innovation and collaboration.
Contemporary scleral lenses work so well that stable vision in them cannot necessarily be taken as a sign that KC progression has stopped. Determination of KC progression requires advanced imaging.
Delivered in a water-free solution, Vevye’s new formulation offers a high concentration of cyclosporine that works rapidly, has no preservatives, and rarely causes irritation
Sometimes, the best job for you is the one you create.
NCP should be considered for patients with discomfort, irritation, dryness, grittiness.
From easing fears to improving mood, a recent study explores how music transforms the surgical experience for both patients and health care teams.
Research explores innovative physiotherapeutic approaches to managing myopia progression, showing promising results in slowing its advancement over two years.
David A. Eichenbaum, MD, FASRS and Caroline Baumal, MD provide take-home messages to providers treating AMD and DME.
Answers to common questions that can help kick-start the journey into the metaverse to learn from the many virtual educational meetings and conference opportunities while mingling with colleagues worldwide.
Retina experts deliberate on the role of fluorescein angiography in AMD and discuss initiation of anticomplement therapy for geographic atrophy in conjunction with anti-VEGF therapy for neovascular AMD.
Through its ophthalmic program, Mercy Ships provides critical eye surgeries and trains local professionals, ensuring sustainable eye care for the future.
Priorities can ensure optimal outcomes for patients diagnosed with diseases.
Noncontact esthesiometry screens for all levels of neurotrophic keratitis.
Spaceflight-associated neuro-ocular syndrome a potential challenge during long missions.
Long-term screen users and contact lens wearers in group face challenges.