ARVO LIVE: CEO of RetinAI gives update on technological advances in ophthalmology
May 2nd 2023Ophthalmology Times® talked with Carlos Ciller, PhD, the co-founder and CEO of RetinAI, about technological advances the company is making to drive innovation and to accelerate drug development pipelines at this year's ARVO meeting.
ARVO LIVE: AI revolution in ophthalmology
May 2nd 2023Ophthalmology Times® talked with AnnMarie Hipsley, DPT, PhD, about 3D finite element model used to understand more about the biomechanics of accommodation and dis-accommodation as it relates to functions for visual function as well as aqueous hydrodynamics at this year's ARVO meeting.
ARVO 2023: Ashvattha Therapeutics presents preclinical data on anti-VEGF nanomedicine D-4517.2
April 27th 2023The company shared data at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology annual meeting in New Orleans that demonstrated that a single oral dose of D-4517.2 significantly reduced choroidal neovascularization lesions to a level comparable to D-4517.2 delivered subcutaneously and aflibercept administered intravitreally at the same mass dose in a laser-induced CNV mouse model.
ARVO LIVE: Lamina cribrosa pressure and predicting structural glaucoma progression
April 26th 2023Ophthalmology Times® talked with Ronald Zambrano, lab supervisor for the advanced Ophthalmic Imaging Lab at NYU Langone about lamina cribrosa pressure and predicting structural glaucoma progression at this year's ARVO meeting.