Ophthalmology Times asked readers for insights on antibiotics and eye infections from clinicians in the field - including experience with postoperative infections after eye surgery, if you use topical antibiotic prior to cataract surgery, how you choose antibiotics in a routine surgical prophylaxis, and more. The 118 U.S.-based ophthalmologists who responded were entered into a drawing to win a $200 gift card. Here are the survey results.
Ophthalmology Times wants insight on antibiotics and eye infections from clinicians in the field - so the editors asked you. Readers like you helped by completing our survey and telling us about your experience with postoperative infections after eye surgery, if you use topical antibiotic prior to cataract surgery, how you choose antibiotics in a routine surgical prophylaxis, and more. The 118 U.S.-based ophthalmologists who responded were entered into a drawing to win a $200 gift card, with the winner being an ophthalmologist in Houston.
Here are the survey results:
Next: Infections caused by resistant organisms
Next: Postoperative endophthalmitis
Next: Number of patients with endophthalmitis
Next: Endophthalmitis caused by resistant organisms
Next: Considerations in choosing antibiotics
Next: Selection of antibiotics
Next: Antibiotic for ocular infections