New tools: Tactical portfolio helps ease retirement in today's market
February 1st 2003It may not be any consolation to you, but many investors have become concerned about, or are now discouraged with, the performance of their investments. Standing by and watching years of savings and past gains slip away over a 2-year period has many people wondering what to do next. According to the September issue of the AARP Bulletin, more than $7 trillion has evaporated since this bear market started. Of this, about $700 billion disappeared in value within retirement savings. To give you another perspective, a dollar invested in the broad-based S&P 500 in March 2000 is now worth about 55 cents.
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Stockholders to vote: Investments breathe life into ISTA Pharmaceuticals
November 1st 2002Irvine, CA-ISTA Pharmaceuticals Inc. has secured $44 million in financing, including a $4 million bridge loan, to complete development work on late-stage ophthalmic products in the company's clinical pipeline.
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Nearing retirement? Be sure to consider all your options
October 15th 2002Yes, we know. You are not going to be closing your practice soon; maybe never. But for most physicians, the prospect is a possibility at some time. If it is remotely likely you will do it once in your lifetime, you should read this article.
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Deal fairly with employees by being honest and candid
October 1st 2002A recent consulting engagement got us thinking about the appropriate level of candor with employees. Our client was in the initial stages of planning the sale of his practice, and he didn't want his staff to know. Fair enough.
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Allergic conjunctivitis symptoms relieved in challenge model
April 15th 2002Olopatadine HCl 0.1% (Patanol, Alcon) is significantly more effective than ketotifen fumarate 0.025% (Zaditor, Novartis), nedocromil sodium 2% (Alocril, Allergan), and azelastine HCl 0.05% (Optivar, Muro) in relieving itching associated with allergic conjunctivitis and has a comfort advantage as well, according to results of prospective, double-masked comparison studies.
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Patient history, dermatologic consult aid in hair loss diagnosis
March 1st 2002When faced with a patient having lash or eyebrow hair loss, a careful history searching for clues is help-ful. Hair loss involving the eyelashes or eye-brow area may result from several conditions including skin diseases, drug side effects, endocrine abnormalities, metabolic abnormalities, inflammation, toxins, radiation effects, systemic diseases, infection, and trauma.
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