Eschenbach's seminar "Low Vision Care . . . What's It All About?" is an introductory, hands-on workshop and lecture designed for everyone interested in the field of low vision.
Ridgefield, CT-Eschenbach's seminar "Low Vision Care . . . What's It All About?" is an introductory, hands-on workshop and lecture designed for everyone interested in the field of low vision. The program is pending for 3 continuing education credits by ABO, JCAHPO, and ACVREP. The course will cover topics such as the causes of low vision, the seven steps to dispensing low vision aids, and the marketing of low vision services. Also included is a hands-on learning session in which attendees can try a variety of vision aids, including some of the newest available products.
Locations of the low vision care seminars include Little Rock, AR (Aug. 27), San Francisco (Sept. 11), Minneapolis (Sept. 17), Chicago (Sept. 17), and Boise, ID (Sept. 24).
For more information or to register, call 800/487-5389 or go to