Alexandria, VA-More than 20,000 kits were distributed to members of the National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE) and physical education teachers this month in an effort to educate people on the importance of sports eye safety.
Alexandria, VA-More than 20,000 kits were distributed to members of the National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE) and physical education teachers this month in an effort to educate people on the importance of sports eye safety.
Kits feature a poster with the 'do's' and 'don'ts' of emergency eye care as well as a fact sheet for teachers and coaches that can be photocopied for parents.
After 1 week hundreds of additional safety eye kits have been requested with many recipients understanding the need for parents to realize the importance of preventing sports-related eye injuries.
"With this kit, we are enabling our physical education teachers and coaches to really drive home the importance of sports eye safety to their students and team members," said Charlene R. Bergeson, executive director of NASPE.