Lexington, SC-Biosyntrx was awarded a U.S. patent for its BioTears Oral GelCaps, a dry eye, tear film integrity formulation.
Lexington, SC-Biosyntrx was awarded a U.S. patent for its BioTears Oral GelCaps, a dry eye, tear film integrity formulation. Clinical studies suggest that nutrients in the BioTears oral formulation systemically control the inflammatory process associated with dry eye syndrome, the company said in a prepared statement. These nutrients also increase levels of tear lactoferrin, an iron-binding protein that inhibits viral, bacterial, and fungal growth on the ocular surface.
"This is particularly important to the contact lens wearer," said Ellen Troyer, MT, MA, co-inventor and Biosyntrx's chief research officer.
"The BioTears formulation has also been suggested to improve visual acuity after cataract and refractive surgery, particularly following LASIK or implantation of a multifocal IOL," Troyer explained.