Eyeonics announces that it has received FDA approval to market its accommodating IOL (Crystalens) in 0.25-D steps.
New Orleans-Eyeonics announces that it has received FDA approval to market its accommodating IOL (Crystalens) in 0.25-D steps.
"With an increased choice of powers, the Crystalens now provides more predictable outcomes than ever before for patients with cataracts and presbyopia," said Mike Judy, vice president of marketing for eyeonincs Inc. "This will assist surgeons as they provide the best possible visual outcomes for their patients that are looking for a continuous range of vision with more spectacle freedom."
The lens, which received FDA approval in November 2003, is designed to provide a continuous range of vision from distance through intermediate to near.
The 0.25-D lens will be available to credentialed Crystalens surgeons on Nov. 1.