A comprehensive online education center and news network is now available to members of the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO). The initiative was implemented by the Ophthalmic News and Education (O.N.E.) Network and can be used by ophthalmologists to manage the clinical education information ophthalmologists need regularly.
A comprehensive online education center and news network is now available to members of the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO). The initiative was implemented by the Ophthalmic News and Education (O.N.E.) Network and can be used by ophthalmologists to manage the clinical education information needed regularly.
"The O.N.E. Network will help us to further the academy's education mission by offering lifelong learning opportunities for our members in a way that is easily accessible," said Charles O. Wilkinson, MD, president of the academy. "O.N.E. will meet the ever-increasing needs of our profession by providing members with rich and dynamic educational experience."
An agreement was signed earlier in the year between the academy and health-care publisher Lippincott Williams & Wilkins to aid in providing professional content and the best online formats for practitioners. The newest Web technologies will be used to provide both U.S. and international ophthalmologists with a broad spectrum of materials and information to be searched. Other materials provided include news and third-party content.
"The O.N.E. Network will be a major advance in the delivery of educational information to ophthalmologists," said H. Dunbar Hoskins Jr., MD, executive vice president of the academy.