

AAO 2023: LENSAR's updates on improving efficiency for cataract surgery

Nick Curtis, CEO at LENSAR, met with Ophthalmology Times to discuss their co-development with Oertli on their phaco device and LENSAR's Ally treatment system at the American Academy of Ophthalmology.

Nick Curtis, CEO at LENSAR, met with Ophthalmology Times to discuss their co-development with Oertli on their phaco device and LENSAR's Ally treatment system at the American Academy of Ophthalmology.

Video Transcript

Editor's note - This transcript has been lightly edited for clarity.

Nick Curtis:

I'm Nick Curtis. I'm the CEO of LENSAR, and I'm pleased to be with you here at the AAO in San Francisco. Some interesting news for LENSAR, we are co developer with Oertli on their phaco device. They, they filed their 510 K, and so we're excited and congratulate them for doing that. That just puts LENSAR one step closer, really, to the marketplace with the first femto-phaco option for, for physicians. As you're all probably aware, we've been the launching Ally. We're really changing the paradigm and the way that cataract surgery is being performed. Surgeons that are using the laser are really appreciating the increased speed and efficiency and throughput. Their outcomes, the ability to communicate with many more preoperative devices, including the IOL Master 700 and the new Pentacam AXL Wave, and in addition to all the other devices that we've communicated with.

In addition, we're running time and efficiency in motion studies, and we're able to show that, and demonstrate clearly that surgeons, when moving Ally into the operating room, are saving up to 8 minutes per procedure that they're doing. More importantly, the staff is improving their efficiency to the degree where they're saving up to 18 minutes, as, as a result of handling each patient that comes through. And from a patient perspective, and their overall journey into the ASE, almost1 hour time savings. And so, what this means is, is that busy practices and busy centers are able to add more cases and thus drive additional revenues over the course of the surgical day, or more efficiently finished the day and be able to really control overhead that way and finish their day sooner. And so we're very excited about what we're doing and and for those of you out there that have either been contemplating getting into femtosecond lasers, or are sitting on the sidelines with an older technology and want to really learn how to incorporate this into your practic, please come over and see us or reach out to us through the website. We'd be glad to to chat with you about how you can bring Ally into your practice today and and really improve efficiencies, improve outcomes, as well as improve the experience for your patients in cataract surgery. So, thank you.

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