
2015 Glaucoma 360 Annual Gala

The “Glaucoma 360 Annual Gala” raises money for Glaucoma Research Foundation's research and education programs. The gala includes a reception, auction, dinner, entertainment, and awards. Click on each number below to capture a glimpse of the Annual Gala festivities.


Glaucoma 360 Gala kicked off at the Palace Hotel in San Francisco with the Silent Auctionl. (All photos by Trish Tunney)




Annual Gala attendees scan the collection of items to consider their bids. The Silent Auction raises funds for Glaucoma Research Foundation's research, education, and support programs.





Among the items that Gala attendees can bid included fine wines, vacation getaways, jewelry, and more.






Fine wines garnered plenty of interest from Annual Gala attendees.







Unusual pieces of jewelry and accessories also drew plenty of bidding interest.








Other items up for bid were personal items, sports memorabilia, theater and event tickets, and sport accessories.









The Live Auction Preview table teased attendees with unique items presented for bid at the Live Auction, held during the Dinner and Awards Program. One of the items was an exclusive, private tour of one of the research centers involved in the Catalyst for a Cure Research Biomarker Initiative. The auction raised over $210,000 with a record total over $500,000 at the Annual Gala.










The highlight of the Annual Gala is the Dinner and Awards Program.












Thomas Brunner, president and CEO of the Glaucoma Research Foundation, welcomes Annual Gala attendees to the Dinner and Awards Program.












Andrew Iwach, MD, co-chairperson of Glaucoma 360, welcomes attendees to the three-day Glaucoma 360 and introduces the Annual Gala co-chairs persons.













Gala Co-Chairs Nobuko Saito Cleary and Gary Cleary, PhD, welcomed attendees and thanked all for making the Annual Gala a successful event for the Glaucoma Research Foundation. Other event co-chairpersons were Marguerite McDonald, MD, and Robert Weinreb, MD.














George A. Cioffi, MD, introduced the recipient of the 2015 Shaffer Prize. The award recognizes an outstanding research project that best exemplifies "the spirit of the pursuit of innovative ideas in the quest to better understand glaucoma."















George A. Cioffi, MD, presentsedthe 2015 Shaffer Prize to András M. Komáromy, PhD, of Michigan State University. As a veterinary ophthalmologist, Dr. Komáromy was honored for his research to provide proof-of-principle that gene therapy could provide lasting control of normal IOP in patients with genetic defects linked to high IOP.
















The Live Auction followed dinner and sparked plenty of bidding on the items presented. Auctioneer Chad Carvey moderated the auction with his entertaining approach for getting the audience to participate in the bidding process.

















Adrienne L. Graves, PhD, co-chairperson of Glaucoma 360, and Alan Crandall, MD (right), toss in their bids for an item, while Richard Lindstrom, MD, observes the bidding war.


















Robert Fechtner, MD, presents a bid during the Live Auction.



















Andrew Iwach, MD, introduced the winners of the 2015 Visionary Award.




















Andrew Iwach, MD, presents the 2015 Visionary Award to Sinya Yamanaka, MD (center), and Masayo Takahashi, MD, for their remarkable work in stem cell and genetic research in order to treat blinding eye disease.





















Richard Lindstrom, MD, and Gena Harper introduce the winner of the 2015 Catalyst Award, the Glaucoma Research Foundation's highest honor.






















Richard Lindstrom, MD, and Gena Harper present the 2015 Catalyst Award to Adrienne L. Graves, PhD, for her major contributions to ophthalmology and her dedication to forwarding the Glaucoma Research Foundation's mission to finding a cure for glaucoma.
























The Annual Gala concluded with a concert performance by Pasquale Esposito. The Italian tenor entertained and dazzled attendees with his music that focused on "operatic pop" with traditonal opera.


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