Dr Sheri Rowen addresses dry eye management in patients with ocular comorbidities and highlights the importance of comprehensive dry eye exams and differentiation from neurotrophic keratitis.
EP. 1: Patient Case No. 1: Managing Dry Eye in a Patient Before Cataract Surgery
An expert presents a case of dry eye in a patient who has undergone several eye surgeries and now requires cataract surgery.
EP. 2: The Impressions and Takeaways from Patient Case No. 1
An expert discusses the key considerations for addressing dry eye in a patient who has undergone multiple ocular procedures.
EP. 3: Patient Case No. 2: Managing Dry Eye in a Young Patient Habituated to Contact Lens Wear
An expert examines a case involving a young male patient interested in LASIK treatment but facing meibomian gland atrophy.
EP. 4: The Impressions and Takeaways from Patient Case No. 2
An expert underscores the importance of a comprehensive dry eye examination and offers insights on distinguishing it from neurotrophic keratitis.